Local / Photography

Paula Plante Yoga in Guelph, Ontario

Paula Plante Yoga is a local (Guelph, Ontario) yoga studio which focuses on inspiring students to connect with their own personal wisdom by practicing the asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques) and Mindfulness Based Stillness Meditation. This boutique style yoga studio can accept up to 6 students and allows for a lot of personal attention. Paula also does corporate yoga and is always open to new opportunities.

As you have probably guessed, Paula Plante is my Mom. She has been huge inspiration in my yoga practice and in my life. Between a full time engineering job, extremely active social life, fitness regiment, and multiple side-businesses (photography being one) – I seem to never stop! My Mom has taught me how to ‘turn off’ my brain and take much needed time to focus on being calm, centered and clear-minded. It is astonishing how much better I feel mentally and physically after every class. Not only that, but she sends home news articles and/or information with her students on a regular basis! No Yoga Teacher spends more time on individualized care than her. In the summer, there is nothing more calming than doing a yoga class outside surrounded by nature.

These photos were taken for the website her and I created for Paula Plante Yoga.

Contact me, visit her website or her facebook page for more information on an amazing yoga experience in Guelph’s south end.

– Alexandra

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